Looking For Office Space in Toronto?

posted by olivier in Office Leasing

You’ve made the decision to find office space in Toronto. Where do you start? A common starting point is of course the internet but with so many websites displaying different information, it can be overwhelming to say the least. You make several online inquiries and hope to find the perfect space on time and on budget. The problem is that this process can be lengthy and you’re most likely missing several office leasing opportunities within your desired market.   Here are 3 steps to follow when searching for office space in Toronto: PLAN AHEAD The earlier, the better. It is very ...

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Five strategies to use when looking for office space to lease in Toronto

posted by jonah@frcapitalrealty.com in Office Leasing

An office move is generally one of those instances where people want to hide until it’s over. There are plenty of horror stories of relocation’s gone wrong, which have, unfortunately, painted a negative picture of the entire process. The truth is, it doesn’t have to be that way and FR Capital Realty can help your business avoid many of the issues when searching for office space in Toronto. The problem that plagues most businesses when searching for office space in Toronto is that they approach it completely the wrong way. They have no plan and don’t really think most decisions ...

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Three Tips to Subleasing Your Office Space in Toronto

posted by jonah@frcapitalrealty.com in Office Leasing

While many businesses hope to stay in their Toronto office locations for the long term, there are always unforeseen instances that can pop up and change plans. Growth and downsizing are two of the most common reasons why a business would have to consider subleasing office space in Toronto. When it comes to the idea of subleasing, many businesses don’t even stop to consider it an option. This can be a huge mistake, not to mention a very costly decision. Having a hefty lease or large amounts of unused space can cause a major drain on finances, not something any ...

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